Fallout 2: English Texts Pack
Ripped by Alexvn
Packed by Digital Demon
Given to the world by M[x]
Thanx to all participating kamrad.ru visitors.
Install Instructions:
1) Unpack the master.dat, which is in the game directory, using DatExplorer. If you see "art", "data", and "res" folders in the game directory, then skip this step, because "master.dat" is already unpacked.
2) Install the Official English Patch v. 1.02
3) Copy "rh-fo2-1.exe" from this pack to the game directory, and launch it. (Eliminates CD-check)
4) Copy folders named "data", "text", and "premade" from this pack into the "res" folder in the game directory. (Overwrite all existing folders)
5) Copy the CONTENTS of the "intrface" folder (not the entire folder!) into "res/art/intrface" folder in the game directory, overwriting any existing files.
6) OPTIONALLY, you can repack all files back into master.dat
7) Enjoy the game ;)))